Penny Boards Go Moo...

"Usually the thing that signifies that I'm done with the winter and all that is that I start skateboarding."
-Shaun White 

Tara and I love beginning every post with a relevant and inspiring quote. Part of the fun of creating a blog post is 
searching for that perfect quote. Alas, today I was out of luck and couldn't find a single quote to do with a penny 
board! This 80s plastic skateboard has become my new love and obsession. With summer practically here, its 
great to finally have the chance to get penny boarding! These photos were taken a few weeks ago on picnic 
trip with the boyfriend. My skill is growing and I am no longer a complete beginner, but note to self; do not penny 
board on uneven board walks. #fail 

Shorts c/o
Sunglasses c/o choies
Shoes : Chuck Taylor
Board : Penny Nickel 

I kept my outfit simple, still feeling cautious about my penny boarding ability. Shorts and comfy shoes allowed for 
easy bailouts when things went south haha!