DKNY? Nope just Tara...

"Dress shabbily they remember the dress; dress impeccably they remember the woman"
- Coco Chanel

Last weekend I went to the first wedding from my group of friends which was exciting, and very weird 
to consider; that everyone's kinda grown up now and have 'proper jobs' (some of us). For the occasion I wanted to 
make a new dress from a pattern I traced from a Burda magazine many months ago. After searching the various 
fabric stores around Auckland I chose this great black and white print at Nick's for only $2/m!! I'd seen and fallen 
in love with the graphic fabric on previous trips, but only noticed after I bought it that there was a C snuck after 
the DKNY (what did I expect for bargain fabric) haha. This "50sish, business in the front, party in the back" dress
 was worked on for the next week on and off, but finished in the typical project runway style sprint to the finish 
 the morning before the wedding.

nails - Rimmel Kate Moss salon pro in 'Hip Hop'
lips - Rimmel Kate Moss in '111'
shoes - number 1 shoes
sunglasses c/o Choies
dress - made by me

A really hilarious moment happened during the ceremony when a girl behind me interrupted a conversation 
to tell me how much she loved my dress and she was "obsessed" with it! It was such a nice surprise 
compliment from a stranger and made the last-minute stick on bra purchase (to show off the back)
 totally worth it haha!

P.S I hope I'm not the only one that reads the title like "Nope Chuck Testa" lol