For all the girls in the world...

"Confidence is key"
-Micheal Kors

From every corner of the world, there are millions and truely fashionable people with amazing fashion blogs.
But i always wonder, how do the big famous bloggers become overnight sensations?
Sure they have great clothes but they all have DESIGNER clothes, something that the average girl or guy cant afford.
So this post is dedicated to the real fashion bloggers of cyber space, the ones that cant afford to stock their wardrobes with Jeffrey Cambell shoes, who instead walk teh streets their bargain bin finds. Im giving a shout out to all the girls in the world who can still  put together a totally amazing fashion forward look with just afew dollars.

Black shirt and purrple Supre skirt from my lovely sisters closet
Warehouse sequin shoes
$2 Shop suspenders
Bag from "Finders keepers"