The language of Vogue...

“If you look at any great fashion photograph out of context, it will tell you just as much about what's going on in the world as a headline in The New York Times.”
- Anna Wintour (Editor of American Vogue)
Whether its in Italian, French or Australian (a foreign language i have yet to master), there is something about a fresh copy of a vogue magazine that  makes my toes tingle.
Even if im not fluent in french, and I know absolutly 'niente' in italian,  I worship vogue magazines. The gorgeous fashion editorials need no words to get me hooked on the latest trends.

The first edition of Vogue Australia for Ipads is a great read.
It features gorgeous fashion and some beautiful photos taken in Africa.
Sop i made an afternoon out of it, and with a copy of vogue/an ipad along with sunnies in hand, i hit the beach.