Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.
Gustave Flaubert

Some of you may remember the post I did about the sewing project I had started...

Well good news I finished making a dress in time for the many occasions at the end of the year, 
it was just a different dress than I started making. 
The floral one is still a work in progress but this grey was brought to life quickly.

I went for a classic style that I would be able to wear to work 
as well as go to some of the events this summer.
I also added a satin strip at the back by the zip 
to match a skirt I have made in the same material.

I couldnt bear to take off my 'Saucy Jack' Butter nail polish 
so I added some OPI black shatter with no top coat.
I liked the way the shatter was matt compared to the polish underneath.

I'm going to try speed up the progress on my pile of projects,
how many do you have on the go?