The flaws of shopping arent that big...

"Regrets are for horseshoes and handbags"
- Tracy Morgan

When you come home from a day shopping, you often find that your arms feel dead and you feat ache, sometimes we even wonder if its really worth it.
But really just like a soldier, your injuries and wounds are the signs of a good battle. And with a good battle comes rewards in the end.
The reason your feet feel dead? You obviously got so excited for your big shopping trip you got all dressed and wore your high heels ;)
And how about those aching arms? Well must have been from carying all your shopping bags around!
So as your fashion doctor, after examining your injuries, i believe you suffered from a sever case of to much fun!

Here's what i ended up from my latest shopping trip!

 Although i did make the mistake of buying this in the first op shop i went to which meant i was carrying around two bags for the rest of the day, but it was so worth it! This baby was only $10 (NZD)