Lying Fridays #6 - Gossip Girl Business Casual

"Napoleon once said that secrets travel fast in Paris. But Gossip Girl travels faster."
-Gossip Girl

For those of you who are new followers or readers, 

Friday is a day we dedicate our post to some amazing tv show fashion we have seen 

over the week.

In the past we have done many Lying Friday's posts on either

 Gossip Girl, The Lying Game or Pretty Little Liars.

This week, the new season of gossip girl has had us on the edge of our seat. 

Not only is there drama, but some amazing fashion.

We decided to take a  look at Serena's style in the episode.

Feeling inspired, I tried the business casual look.

I used the idea of a structured dress and over-sized cardigan like Serena. Then i 

finished it off with a side pony tail and sneakers.

What do you think of Gossip girl season 5?