Rainy days and Runways...

"The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her"
- Marcelene Cox

If you looked underneath the raindrops that fell over Auckland city on wednesday, you would find that it was a great day,
well for me at least...

The waterfront was beautiful and alive with crowds despite the weather. 
As apart of the Real NZ Festival (a celebration showing off New Zealand during the rugby world cup), There was a fashion show held down at the wharf in Auckland.
It showcased some of New Zealand's top designers as seen in New Zealand Fashion Week. 
With our front row seats, we got an awesome look at clothes from the designers latest collections.

But more on that in my next post,
 For now here's the outfit i wore to the show and about town. 

What I'm wearing:

Dress: Mono (Boutique in Atrium on Elliot)

Jumper: Calvin Klein Jeans

Shoes: Rubi Shoes

Belt: Vintage

Necklace: Diva

Summer's almost arrived in New Zealand, 

so our Runways have been flooded with new summer looks,

Whats it like in the rest of the world?