The Knight plays black jack...

"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night"
- Sarah Williams

Something I realised the other day was that there were somethings I hadn't done in ages. Two of these were straightening my hair, and 
painting my nails. Today's post funnily enough includes both.

If you frequent tumblr you'll probably see from my outfit that I've been spending entirely too much time on there, and that it is influencing 
my outfit choices haha: Spike necklace, booties, denim cutoffs all part of the uniform.

nail polish - The Black Knight, Union Jack Black
necklace - Vintage love
top - Mink Pink (altered)
boots - thrifted
Bag c/o yeswalker

We were pretty please with how these photos turned out, though it feels so cold at I am writing this I don't know I'll be wearing this combo
 again for a while

Till next time, stay swaggie...
(omg why did I write that, It was meant to be ironic but whut why)