Interview : Pretty dresses in the laundry

The sign that a blog is truly great is when you just cant get enough of it. When constantly find yourself checking it for updates 
and posts. One blog who has had this effect on us for a while now is 'Pretty Dresses in the Laundry'. 17 year old blogger Kate is 
based in Australia and has over 37,000 tumblr followers and 1000 likes on her facebook page, talk about blog-spiration! 
We are so excited to finally share this little interview we did with her!

1. When did you start PDITL and where did the inspiration come from?
It started back in 2010 when I was only 15. A couple of friends of mine had Tumblr's and although I couldn't really 
see the point of them, I made one and fell in love instantly. From there on, it slowly morphed into fashion. 
2. How did you come up with the name?
It's actually based off an old wives tale that only pretty dresses leave the laundry clean. 
3. Your blog is based on Tumblr, do you find that sets you apart from other bloggers? 
is it an easy to follow platform for your readers?
While Tumblr is a very fashion orientated community, it's a difficult platform to make your name known outside of it. I think it 
makes my blog unique as there aren't many blogs like mine on Tumblr, meaning that it does stand out. It's an easy platform
 to gain followers though and to interact and find other blogs. 
4. How much time a week do you spend on your blog?
It really changes each week, it depends on what I have planned. Probably about half an hour a day, 
plus whenever I do a shoot or anything that takes time and planning. 
5. I've been a fan of yours for awhile now and in a year I have watched your blog rapidly grow. 
What advice do you have for other bloggers?
As corny as it sounds, I think the one piece of advice I have is to stay true to yourself and be unique. If you
 don't remain individualistic, your blog won't stand out. The other thing is, be friendly!

6. What is the craziest thing you have ever done for your blog?
Taking outfit posts on a crowded beach in the rain or in the middle of a busy market were probably fairly crazy,
 they attracted a lot of odd looks. The other thing would be blogging at midnight right before bed all through my final year 
of school after studying all night. Shooting a long sleeve, thick maxi dress in the middle of 40 degree heat was also pretty crazy.
7. Favourite blog post so far?
Just recently I did a flashback post. I found old photos from when I was young and recreated the outfits. It was a lot of fun and
 I like how it turned out. The post's I did over Christmas I really liked too because I got to take my photos in such interesting places,
 I really liked this postthis one and this one
8. Favourite item in your wardrobe?
At the moment it would have to be my Sportsgirl overalls. I'm in love with them!
9. Who takes the photos for your outfit posts?
Up until the end of last year, I took them all myself with either a remote or self timer, but now, most of the time, my brother 
takes them for me. 
10. Do all your family and friends follow you blog?
Yes, most of them do!
11. What are your future aspirations?
Hopefully to work in the fashion industry! I'd love to work in a fashion magazine or something like that.
12. What do we expect to see from you over the next year?
Hopefully my blog continuing to grow and become more widely known within Australia and outside of the Tumblr community.

Take a look at her cool layout!

Thanks so much for the interview Kate, hope you guys enjoyed it!