"The woman is the most perfect doll that I have dressed with delight and admiration."
-Karl Lagerfeld

An important milestone: 524 followers. Well I suppose its not super significant, but I'm making it significant because I'm a bit slow to organise a 500 followers giveaway :)
Chicnova is a fabulous website that offers some great fashion pieces at a wide range of prices. 
I put together a little polyvore set out of completely Chicnova items. Of course I was instantly drawn to the more expensive items (every time! why does that happen??), but I did find some little bargains like the body ear cuff and little purse.Check out their website to see what you can find and enter the giveaway below to win yourself a $30 voucher!


P.S if the above raffle copter widget is not working for you, simply like the SSC facebook page and the chicnova facebook page and leave a comment with a link to your favourite chicnova item (I will try fix it soon!).