Never ending sewing projects...

 "One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art"
-Oscar Wilde

You at work or a BFF's house and your wearing your hot new skirt, immediately your hit with a sea of questions. "where did you buy that? Was is cheap? it looks ah-mazing". Proudly you state: "I made it myself". Gasps and more gushing follows as people admire your handy work. The problem is, every time you go to work after that day, or see you friend, they are going to ask, "so did you make what your wearing?" I'ts happened to me before and the truth is, i have only ever sewed about 5 things in my entire life, yet some people think i sit at home with my sewing machine all day. I do however, like sewing when i get around to it. But that's my point, when i get around to it, which i dont very often:P. But yesterday i finally tackled my school holiday sewing  project. You should probably know that my holidays ended over 2 weeks ago... 

 Thats the end of my quick little post.
Can you guess what I'm sewing ;) ? More coming in the next post,

Till next time,
I heart you,
