The face of 1966...

"The Face of 1966"


When someone says "the 60's" i cant help but think of Twiggy, because its true, she IS the face of 1966. Even today she is remembered around the world for beautiful photographs. When i walked into the local library just yesterday i found this book on display. It was hidden around the corner of the display but the moment i say it i recognized her iconic picture. With out even glancing at the title or blurb, i checked the book out and skipped out the door eager to flick through the books glossy pictures.

So my fashion challenge today was to create a look loosely inspired by Twiggy in the 60's . I tried her slicked back hair style and applied some mascara in hope to start the recreation of her look.

  When it came to picking the perfect outfit, i was looking for simple dresses in bold colours. This is what i came up with. It will never compare to the real fashion of the 60's, but this post  is just a little tribute and a nod to that fabulous era.

