To shop or not?

"High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead."

-Christopher Morley

Online shopping. Hawt or nawt? oui ou non?

Personally i love the feeling when you enter as store. I love to feel the fabrics fall from hangers between my fingertips. I love the smell of leather, and designer perfume that circles my nostrils whenever i enter a store. So you couldsay that a week ago the thought of online shopping was nothing i never considered. But what can i say? when im presented with a bargin, ill snap it up whether its online or not.

Glassons recently hit the online fashion world and i cant lie and say i hate their online store. Despite it not having every item that they sell instore, the site is packed with amazing bargins. So i couldnt help but click that "add to cart" button when i came across afew deals.

One of which was these beautiful boots.

stylish, cheap yet not cheap looking, These shoes have been stuck to my feet all week, my favourite knew winter item.



With my goodies delivered to my doorsteep in 2 days, my first online shopping experience left me happy.

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