Do little girls ever really grow up?

"I met this wonderful girl at Macy's. She was buying clothes and i was putting slinkies on the escalator"
- Stephen Wright

A little girl skips past me in the park. Shes wearing a tutu and a pink sparkly top. Her little hands hold onto the tiara on top of her head. Her feet are bare as she runs across the grass, they have turned pink because its so cold. A few seconds later an older women follows. The little girls mother. She wears a black pencil skirt trimmed with tulle, to others this skirt looks powerful and serious. She probably works as a CEO or something. But i don't see that when i look at her skirt. When i see the tulle peeking out, i see a little girl who never grew up.
People say you have to grow up eventually, we have to grow older, grow wiser. But there is always a little girl hiding behind the business suits and briefcases. A little girl who wants to frolic around in the rain and feel the grass between her toes.
So i was a little girl for a day and ditched my shoes and threw on a pretty dress.

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