What to Wear to Graduation with Ellen

I made it. After three years of studying, this week I graduated with my bachelor of communications! There were times that I didn't think I would make it and times when I wanted to throw in the towel, but here I am, a graduate! Some might say what you wear to graduation doesn't really matter because you're covered by that Hogwarts style robe. But hey this is me you're talking to, I love to dress up. For my graduation look I picked out this white dress from cue. It ticked all the boxes for me. It wasn't too short, it was classy, it was simple, and it had pockets. 

I remember when Emma Watson graduated from brown and photos surfaced online of her outfit, I saw it and thought "that's how I want to look for my graduation". My fangirl feelings for Emma remain strong and I think I achieved her graduate look pretty well (if I do say so myself). I also added a unique touch to my robe; my great grandmother's broach from Beruit. I also managed to make it across the stage in my favourite Windsor Smith heels despite my mother's concern. If you want more tips on how to dress for graduation check out Tara's post from earlier in the year. It was a pretty special day and I know this is a blog post I will always come back to look at to remember.

Dress - Cue // Shoes - Windsor Smith // Broach - Great Grandmothers