Top 5 Apps for Editing the Perfect Instagram

Today we thought we'd share some of our favourite apps for editing our Instagram photos. We're huge instagram addicts and have spent a lot of time honing our editing skills so we hope you enjoy this post! Let us know in the comments if you have any other great apps you use.

1. Afterlight

This is an old favourite of ours and allows a lot of control when it comes to editing your photos. Not only does it have some great filters, you can edit all the basics like contrast. brightness, saturation, highlights and shadows. This app is also super easy to use and great for if you are just starting.

2. Aviary

Although it is very similar to Afterlight, Aviary has an edge when it comes to brightening photos, bumping up the contrast, sharpening, and also whitening backgrounds. We use Aviary's whiten tool on most of our flatlays and pale backgrounds. Another favorite is the warmth tool to cool images and get rid of orange/yellow tones.

3. VSCO Cam

If you are looking for a good filter, VSCO Cam is our current go-to. We also use it to preview how the photo will look on our Instagram profile as VSCO Cam uploads your photos into a similar grid format. It did take us a while to get into using this app however because the controls a little less intuitive to use compared to the other apps.

4. ColorStory

This apps is currently only available for iphones so only Tara has been trying it out. It's made by the team at A Beautiful Mess and really makes your image and colours pop! You can buy extra filter packs but the built in filters are great and it has other cool features like curves so you can really finely tune your photo how you want it.

5. Facetune

This is an app Tara recently downloaded purely for it's whitening tool. It's whitening tool has a much softer edge and buildability compared to the Aviary equivalent, so you don't have to be as precise with your swiping. It also has the cool feature of an eraser which is great if you accidentally turn your hair grey. There are a lot of other features which we are yet to explore since the other apps cover them pretty well.