Kendall Jenner Inspired Outfit + Estee Lauder Lip Potion Review

Kendall Jenner is one of my biggest style muses. Her outfits are always so chic and effortless and I pretty much want her entire wardrobe. At the end of last year Kendall Jenner was announced the new face of Estee Lauder (talk about a dreamy collaboration!). Her latest campaign with the beauty giant includes the Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Lip Potion's, so when one turn up in our mail box, I couldn't help but pull out one of my Kendall Jenner inspired outfits to match. It's a simple jeans, leather jacket and white tee combo, but is very much a classic Kendall look. Check out my mini review of the lip potion below!

Jakcet - America // T-shirt - Cotton On // Jeans - Cheap Monday // Shoes + necklace - The Warehouse

Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Liquid Lip Potion in the colour 'Cold Fire'* - My Thoughts/Review

Granted my view of this lip potion may be a little biased because of my complete obsession with Kendall Jenner, but there is no denying Estee Lauder have nailed the formula of this magical lipstick/lipgloss thing. It feels lightweight on the lips, but still manages to be really opaque. If your someone who finds the Australis Velour Lips too drying, then this could be a great alternative. It has a satin finish and after a full day of wearing it my lips were surprisingly soft proving the interesting concoction of avacado, jojba and sunflower oil really works.

The thing that gets me most excited about this lip product would have to be the applicator. The curved doe foot makes it so easy to apply even for gumbies like me. It also has great lasting power and I didn't have to reapply at all during the day, even after lunch. Although somehow I ended up with some smudged under my chin (no not ON my chin UNDER, like down my neck). I have no idea how it got there, but be warned this lip product does do a little bit of walking. Overall, this lip potion has me swooning and I definitely want to save up for some more colours.