Vlogmas Week #2 | Advent Calendars, DIY Peppermint Mocha & Shopping + Waffles
“Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more....” ― Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Welcome to our new weekly vlog! This week we had work so vlogged mostly Thursday - Saturday.
We are doing weekly videos about what we get up to until Christmas so subscribe to our channel to see them as soon as they go live.

In this weeks video..
- Tara shows you how she makes a DIY peppermint mocha
- we visit Chocolate boutique for waffles with Sophie,
- shopping at Amber Whitecliffe & Mecca Cosmetica
- A quick behind the scenes/sneak peek from filming this weeks video
- Ellen goes penny boarding
- and we forget to finish the vlog (but show you what we did on Saturday night)
Hope you enjoy this slightly more laid back week :)