Divergent inspired fashion pt 1: Abnegation & Dauntless

"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another" - Veronica Roth, Divergent

Divergent has officially hit New Zealand cinemas! We were feeling inspired and decided to put together two looks inspired by the movies. For those of you who haven't read the book or yet to have seen the movie, check out our previous post for a little review. The books follow a young girl named Tris through post apocalyptic Chicago where the society has been divided into five factions. Each faction has distinct role and personality. 

We have yet to see the movie, but decided to create these two outfits to inspired by what we read in the book about each faction. The first is Abnegation, the faction that values selflessness and service others. This is the faction that Tris is born in, and Ellen wears a simple dress and blouse in the faction's colour grey. Abnegation wear their hair pulled back and loose clothing so not to draw attention to themselves.  Tara wears an outfit inspired by the Dauntless faction. Dauntless are known to be brave and almost fearless. Their faction colour is black and they are known for their tattoos and piercings. Leather seemed perfect for representation of a dauntless character. 

How to get the Divergent look!

Ellen wears:

  • A blouse that you can button up to the collar. Get the look
  • A pinafore style dress to wear over top your shirt. 
  • Frilly ankle socks paired with black lace up shoes. Get the look.

Tara Wears:


Stay tuned for more outfits inspired by the Divergent book and let us know if you guys see the movie! Read Pt II with the other factions here :)