Summer photo diary 2014

"The sea, once it casts it's spell, holds one in it's net forever" - Jacques Cousteau

We have finally put together our summer photo diary from our trip up North! The beautiful location provided us with so many amazing places to shoot outfits. Since we were lacking in clothing supplies, our holiday photos were a little different from our usual outfit photos. But we couldn't waste all the amazing photos and really wanted to share them with you guys, so here you go. Hopefully you enjoy this jumble of fun photos and feel inspired for the coming weekend! Stay tuned for Monday when we have an exciting new things coming your way ;) 

1. 'Shop Style Conquer' business cards at the beach // 2. Instagram selfie // 3. Reading the latest vogue // 4. Floppy hat from Valley Girl // 5. Quick outfit snap at the waterfalls // 4. Tara at the waterfalls // 5. Toes in the sand // 6. Floral crown made from garden weeds // 7. Beach snack (cucumber, creme cheese, chutney and smoked salmon) // 8. Yoga poses on the sand // 9. Instagram snap of beach read and afternoon nibbles // 10. #foodstagram // 11. Heading into the surf