New In: Karen Walker birthday splurge

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"
- C. S. Lewis

Just a short post today snapped in a lush corner of the garden and featuring the latest addition to my (this one 
aint being shared Ellen! lol) ever growing accessory collection. I have had my eye on this gem since I saw it in the cool 
new Karen Walker boutique that went into Smith and Caugheys a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately for me this was 
more day dreaming about the possible future when I could afford it #studentpains. Luckily though not soon after it was
 my birthday (22 ooh ooh), which came with it some money from my Gran and some S+C vouchers from my aunty, and 
well it's kind of obvious what happened...

wreath ring - Karen Walker (from Smith & Caugheys)
nail polish - Butter 'Trout Pout"
bow ring - Purity

So basically I wanted to dedicate a little post just so you could see the detail on this new addition to the ring family. 
Plus how cute is the packaging, I couldn't not share! Now onto the next fashion related dream/goal!
This week I managed to achieve a pretty much constant academic goal of mine and didn't procrastinate as much as
 usual (shocking I know). There's still more assignment writing to be done but it's looking like I might not have to do 
any late nights this cycle which is a super positive in my eyes, yay!

Hope your week is going well! :)