My Moo Shorts

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

- Maya Angelou 

Tara and I have been very lucky to grow up where we have. Since we were little girls, our house has been surrounded by
 lavish New Zealand bush and beautiful paddocks with horses and all, and all just a mere 15 minute drive from the city
 centre of Auckland! Since starting our blog, we have use our extravagant 'backyard' as the backdrop of our outfit shoots. 
However, change is inevitable and unfortunately last month the land behind us was sold. We are beginning to watch 
our beautiful native bush diminish. Luckily the flip flop & Hawaiian short wearing hippie developer who bought the land 
has promised to replant the trees after the building is completed. You can see in the background of these outfit photos, 
significant tree trimming has occurred. But heads up, hopefully the eventual replanting will mean a new exciting backdrop 
of baby native trees for our photos!

In other news, these shorts... they just... ahhhh... me love my moo pants! (as you can tell by some goofy smiles and poses 
in these photos)

Shorts c/o Persunmall
Top : Gifted from Auntie
Shoes : Number one
Bracelet : Rubi Shoes