
"Fashion is made to become unfashionable"
- Coco Chanel

I love how one simple photo can tell a whole story. How it can capture a perfect moment 
in time and preserve it forever. Thats what I really love about photography! And I just love 
how instagram makes it all so easy to store your little snapshots and share them! Here are
afew of mine from the past few months, hope you enjoy!

1. Sitting by the fireplace showing off my ball shoes!
2. Going crazy for neon
3. All that bubble wrap for one necklace
4. A snap from a day of outfit shooting
5. Excited to try my new penny!

6. And this would have to be my favourite instagram shot, a little peak at my beautiful corsage my
boo got me for ball and our cute photobooth photos! (stay tuned for more ball photos!)

follow me at @shopstyleconquer

P.S. not long till our giveaway is finished, so enter while theres still time, and we will be announcing the winners soon!