50% of me: "I love dresses, flowers and pretty things"
Other 50% of me: "I love tattoos,hardcore music, concerts and skinny jeans"

I saw this on tumblr today and I thought it would go quite well with this post.
I also think it is a pretty good description of my style in general.
I can never seem to decide whether I want to be all girly and pretty and colourful 
or what seems to portrayed as the opposite. This particular outfit can probably
 join the 'opposite' category. From this post I have also thought about how it is interesting to
 see outfits from different angles than you do when getting dressed or wearing them;
in this case the photos somewhat make me rethink wearing the original no-singlet idea...

bracelets - equip, vintage love
skirt - glassons
hunger games necklace - amazon
top -  thrifted, DIY coming soon

I made this top out of a t-shirt I thrifted based off an idea I saw on, surprise surprise, tumblr.
I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out (though maybe a bit too high on the skin scale)
DIY coming soon ^.^