Sculpture on the Gulf - Waiheke Island

"Voted number thirty five on the New York Times list of things to do in the world"

I wanted to share with you guys some photos Tara and I took at the sculpture on the gulf on Waiheke Island.
It was voted as one of the top things in the world in 2013 by the New York Times and its not hard to see why.
Thee walk itself is simply beautiful, a path running along the cliffs of the coastline, with stunning views of the ocean
 and the faint outine of Auckland on the skyline. I didnt want to bore you with too many photos, so I just picked a
few of the sculptures and some of Tara and I fooling around with the camera.

The sculpture walk has always had interactive sort 'sculptures for people to have some fun with. This year, one artist 
had created a shell runway and costumes for black and white costumes. Tara and I decided to try on an outfit
and give the runway a go. The two photos of us in below in the black conjoint costume is meant to symbolise
relationships and we were meant to embrace that and 'become' the sculpture.