Awkward and I know it...

I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, 
because that’s natural and that’s real.

- Marc Jacobs

I've always been a pretty awkward person in many aspects of life, and as I've gotten older I think I've 
both lost some of that or rather embraced it as something that's always there.
However as soon as a camera is turned towards me I have two reactions;
to make a funny face or be lost and crippled by awkwardness.
Luckily my photographers stick with me and we will normally have some post worthy photos left after a delete session.
 Even though I was in a deserted paddock for these shots I still didn't know what to do,
but you almost wouldn't know it.

belt - kookai
t-shirt, skirt - thrifted
spike bracelet - asos
time turner necklace - WB shop
shoes - Ellens

If you have a blog do you ever get stuck for poses?

Sorry Ellen for always having to put up with "what do I do, I dont know what I'm doing, there's people looking this way"