Something new...

"If I don't do laundry today, I'm gonna have to buy new clothes tomorrow."

Anna Paquin 

Though I do have a lot of washing to sort out at the moment, that is not really a factor in this story.
(Also I always love watching Anna Paquin partially cause I can always say she's from NZ)

Have you ever been out and about and decided you hated what you were wearing?
I've done this more than once, but this was the first time I bought a whole new outfit!
I hadn't been shopping for a while and knew there were some new years sales around,
hence I could talk myself into the splurge. 
So I popped into glassons in my lunch break and arrived back at work after an outfit change.

top and skirt - Glassons
belt - Portmans
jacket - Valley Girl
spike bracelet - Asos
timeturner necklace - WB
lipstick - Mac "soulfully rich"

So I was pretty pleased with my first go at full outfit impulse buying, 
have you ever gone out and bought a entirely new outfit?

P.S dont forget about our latest giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway