Beautiful lies...

"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."

Pretty Little Liars is a show that I always find myself never trusting anything that is shown or said.
(OMG can you believe this weeks finale?!)
But one thing I can trust in is the fashion. I always manage to see something that is beautiful or inspiring.

Ellen and I have posted about the style of the character Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars before (see here and here).
And one of my favourite Spencer outfits of the season was a peplum look from the episode "What Lies Beneath".
Peplum is something I have been uncertain of, but this episode inspired me to go out pick one up.

I loved that Spencer had taken it in a more casual direction with jeans and lace-ups,
even though I didn't manage to find one I liked in as cool a pattern as she wore
(I believe the one from the show is from Macy's Petticoat Alley but no longer for sale)
I got one in one of my go to colours and in a slightly different style I think ill get a lot of wear out of.

peplum top - Valley Girl
belt - Kookai
Boots - Andrea Biani
spike bracelet - Asos (comes in lots of other colours)
bag with tail - Ellen's (vintage?)

I still would love to get a top maybe a bit closer to hers but for now this will satisfy me.
The bright blue colour, bracelets and animal print pattern bring some of my personal style into a Spencer look (might even be a little bit Aria?) 
which I think an 'inspired by' outfit should include.

I cant wait to see what next season has to bring, both in plot and style!