Revealing, sources and all...

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."

While incredibly smart, I don't know how well Einstein would have achieved in modern schooling 
if he stood by this and never used references! 
Today I bring to you the first of the necklace projects I started working on during the holidays.
For these I was inspired by the great pieces by Susanna Galanis (you may have seen some on Gossip Girl).
Unfortunately my student budget is not near enough to be able to afford any of her jewelry 
or the materials to make some, so i had to get creative...

I used a combination of video tutorials of youtube on creating rock lookalikes using fimo.
This particular piece uses methods such as fake turquoise (for the veining) and lava rock texture (using salt for the pitting/edges). There are a lot of tutorials like this around, so if you want to give making some jewelry a go just combine some for the look you'd like!
Overall I was pretty pleased how this turned out, and when I get more time there's a couple of other ideas I'm planning to try out.

Necklace and Jacket - made by me
nail polish - Jaffa by Butter London
Lipstick - Neon Orange by MAC