Hey Tyra I love your collar...

"In difficult times fashion is always outrageous."
- Elsa Schiaparelli

As Tyra Banks spoke her famous words "Two girls stand before me but I only have one photo in my hand...",
I was on the edge of my seat, but for different reasons than most people. I  was totally in love with her necklace. So as she kicked of another aspiring model from America's Next Top Model, I was to busy on the internet searching for her necklace - a gold necklace that looked like a peter pan colour but it was created out of gold chains.
From that moment on, i have been in love with the detachable collar trend. 
From ASOS to some of my favourite bloggers, I'm seeing them everywhere, But since the only one i could find in the shops in NZ happened to be Louis Vuitton (meaning the price made my eyes pop), i decided to make one.