Wheels and Heels...

"A women with good shoes is never ugly"
- Coco Chanel

You got to admire a girl for riding a bike in heels. My mother may say i am ridiculous but after seeing these fabulous pictures of Catherine Baba, i couldn't resist...

I may not have the Australian born stylists fashion flare, with her gorgeous fur coats and trendy turbans, but one thing that i totally adore and mimic, is the way she rocks a bicycle.

Instead of a limo, she picks a bike as her ride to hot partys in paris. Even in huge gorgeous heels! 

So taking inspiration from the great, just the other day i picked my bike as my form of transport. And ofcourse i had to try it in heels...

I decided to keep my outfit simple with a Ralph Lauren polo shirt, black shorts and a jean jacket. 

I must confess, i failed to ride the whole way in those shoes as it required alot of focus ;)
so i certainly admire miss Catherine Baba and her biking style.

Till next time,