Whipped up in a flash...

I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.  
-Emma Goldman

The roses in our garden were looking particularly stunning today.
Blooming in a captivating bright red. 
Perfect for some photos.

You know those girls that look like they've woken up and chucked on the first thing they find and somehow it works so well?

I've always felt envy towards the girls that can manage that, especially since it takes my brain a while to warm up in the mornings.

 I was running around getting ready to go out this morning 
and I grabbed the first things my eyes came to.
For once it all seemed to work.

I was ready a few minutes early and Ellen said she wanted 
to take some photos of my outfit for a post.

So we went outside in the beautiful sunshine for a few quick pics.

It also meant I got to wear my new sunnies that I found
 at a Red Cross store on the weekend.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seems to fall into place.
It's not always fashion related, but they are always nice :)

Hope your week is going well <3