No matter how long the winter spring is sure to follow...

“Skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.” 

Ever since the start of the gossip girl and lying game seasons this year 
stylish shorts have been popping up again and again. 

I've been waiting for it to warm up a bit so I could try it for myself 
and today's sunshine provided a great opportunity...

I was liking the many tucked in belted looks so thats where I started

Though my look is defiantly far less dressy than the lying game girls 
it seemed more practical for the day ahead...

This photo shows Ellen's necklace from Diva. 
When we first got it the lines looked like kryptonian symbols to me
 but it turns out to say love when you spin it around.
 It sort of reminds me of the Hermione's time turner 
that I one day would love to acquire in silver.

Butter of the week: Trout Pout

This week I finally got to try out the polish that is trout pout. I
t somehow manages to be bright but neutral at the same time. 
The colour was quite hard to capture on camera 
but there were two photos that mostly managed to show its beauty.

Trout pout is a great description, (and cute pun), 
but the polish is also very close in colour to smoked salmon

Hopefully my legs wont be 
as lilly white the next time I bare them 

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Happy Halloween!