This is a mans world


"It’s a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together."

In time, womens fashion has evolved. Our once buttoned up style has become a thing of the past and has been replaced by clothing that once upon a time was frowned upon. Womens roles in the world have gone from a simple housewive to top of the ranks business women. We have no limits now. With these knew roles have come knew fashion. There used to be no such thing as womens pants, that was all up to the men. But this is no longer a man's world, the women have come to conquer and they look stunning.

*not my photo*


Now comes a time where our fashion has been influenced by men, a once forbidden thought. We have taken their business shirts, black pants and ties to match and still we remain the elegant, stylish, hard-working women that we are and have always have been.


My men Inspired Outfits:


classic men's shirt ( combined with a feminine touch with its sheer baby doll pink fabric),


Structured and oversized men's jackets,

Men's black hats and tartan ties,



All These items combined with things like flirty pencil skirts create the perfect proffesional, yet still fun, look.






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