Fashions Crown is the Headband


"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new."
- Henry David Thoreau

Every queen must have a crown but im not talking any old tacky thing, a fashionista would never sacrifice her personal style for a some fake tiara, its like giving up a child. So here is one for the funky and daring.

*not my photos*


Its a hot trend thats been hitting the runways for the past few seasons. It took awhile, but now everyone is on board, including Chanel and myself.

It can be styled many different ways, just like the two examples above. My personal fav? The headband turban. It hides your hair on days you cant control it and it goes with every outfit, but is not to bold for us shy girls.



The possible colours and patterns are endless and you can real fun with this look.



Now i pass on my crown to you,

Give the turban a try,


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